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The issues below are current issues in the live system.  They have been grouped by relevant pages of the submission system.  Each issue is referenced by an internal id which is used to track issues (eg #2989).  Fixed bugs will appear on the system release notes when they are resolved and will be removed from this page.

Recently raised

3417: Zip file in corrobaative evidence has a warning sign even when a zip file is included

This can be disregarded and should not prevent submission. Please do ensure your zip file has been added by viewing/downloading it.

3758: Replace import fails when removing staff links

To work around this remove the originally linked staff member before replace importing. Please contact us if this does not resolve the issue.

3807: If submit validation fails due to an exception, all UOAs remain locked

To work around this you will need to manually unlock the submission UOAs.

3836: "Outputs without PDF" report includes retrieved outputs

This is due to retrieved PDFs showing as succesful but indicated as not provided a PDF below. This should not prevent submission.

3839: REF6b has a submit error where some reductions supporting info is blank not null

You will see this as an error in the validation report. Please let us know if you encounter this issue.

3852: Null error when deleting all corroborators for an IC (2 or more)

You will find this may cause the IC not to save and the screen may get stuck loading. To work around this delete one corroborator at a time.

3856: Submit error "IC must be a Word Doc" when file is .docx

This can be caused by some hyperlinks (often DOI ones) and can be resolved by removing the hyperlink.

3863: After submitting data in REF1a/b contracts appears blanked out in the UI

Note the data is still in the database and will apeear on exports and reports. This is also the case for read only users.


3741: Importing FALSE with trailing space makes staff member additional attributed

If an import with a staff output link and under IsAdditionalAttributedStaffMember is put to FALSE with the trailing space the staff member is not made as primary author.

Expected release fix: v2.8

3744: Replace import fails when removing double and its reserve
A replace import can fail when the following conditions occur.
  1. A double weighted output and the reserve are not included in the import file.
  2. The title of the reserve is before the title of the double weighted output in an alphabetical list.

Expected release fix: v2.8

3762: UOA33 output allocation option issues

Amendments being made to UOA33 output allocations to make them consistent for imports.

Expected release fix: v.2.8 


3663: Missleading permissions error if regular user tries to link output to staff member who does not exist in system

If a regular user with write REF1a/b and REF2 permissions attempts to import a staff output link between an output that does exist and a staff member that does not exist they receive an error which advises the member doesnt exist but also that the user does not have permission to view the resource which has confused a user of the system. If you repeat the same import as admin you are just told the staff member doesnt exist - no perms error. 


3756: REF1b contract HESA ID does not NULL when cleared, causes invalid HESA error

This is an issue in the database where it causes a validation error stating an invalid HESA ID is provided, when there is no HESA number entered.



3727: PDF error persists after release, some still have size: null

This is a bug which has been found to not have been fixed correctly last release.


3748: REF3 IC Word document extract contains asterisks

Viewing the uploaded word documents in REF3 returns irregularities to the original file. This is a formatting issue by the word reader in the system.

Expected release fix: v2.8

3760: REF3 IC Word doc DOI formatting issue

A formatting issue with the word reader for uploads in REF3 causes some DOIs to appear incorrectly in the system document view.

Expected release fix: v2.8


3739: REF5b upload attachments are not saving

When attempting to save the uploads in REF5b the record does not complete the save and they only allows user to discard the changes to the record, meaning the file is not saved.

Expected release fix: v2.8

3745: Soft hyphen in REF5b word statement causes upload failure

Soft hyphens within documentation uploaded to REF5b causes the upload to fail.

Expected release fix: v2.8

3752: REF5b print report contains spelling error in title

The word environment is spelt wrong in the reports.

Expected release fix: v2.8

3757: REF5a word doc exception error EmbeddedObject

This upload issue is causing the upload to not save.

Expected release fix: v2.8

3762: Two new REF5b Word doc upload exceptions

Further issues with REF5b word document uploads are being fixed at present. These cause the import to fail.

Expected release fix: v2.8