Nominations of candidates to the role of member or assessor to the REF expert panels are invited by noon, 7 September 2020. This is the latest date by which nominations will be accepted. Where possible and appropriate, nominating bodies are invited to submit nominations before this date.
The funding bodies are seeking nominations of candidates from a diverse range of backgrounds, institution types and geographical region. Nominations of candidates from under-represented groups are particularly welcomed, including people from black and minority ethnic backgrounds.
The call for panel nominations launched in February 2020, in order to appoint further panel members and assessors with specific expertise to finalise the membership of the sub-panels. This includes the appointment of both practising researchers and individuals with professional experience of making use of, applying or benefitting from academic research.
The original April deadline for nominations was lifted when the REF was put on hold in response to the effects of coronavirus. The REF team has now written to nominating bodies confirming the new deadline, which has been put in place following confirmation of the revised submission deadline for the REF as noon, 31 March 2021.
The revised timeframe for the assessment work by the panels is May 2021 to February 2022.
Nominations may be made by any subject association or other organisation with an interest in the quality, conduct, funding or wider use of research (except individual UK HEIs, groups within or subsidiaries of individual HEIs, and HE mission groups).