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The REF Steering Group comprises members of each of the UK higher education funding bodies. It is chaired by the Director of Research at Research England and serviced by representatives from the REF team. The group has responsibility for matters of policy and the programme of work, agreeing collective recommendations on the high-level framework, and putting these forward to the boards of the funding bodies. The Steering Group signs off key guidance developed by the REF team, provides oversight of key implementation risks, and agrees the draft REF budget to put forward for approval from the funding bodies. The group also draws attention of the REF team to matters of importance or sensitivity within the devolved territories, and acts as the final arbiter in REF 2021-related appeals or disputes. If you have any queries relating to the Steering Group, please email

Membership list

Funding body


Current incumbent

Department for the Economy, Northern Ireland

Head of HE Research Policy

Michael Leonard

Department for the Economy, Northern Ireland

Senior HE Research Manager

Paul Murphy

Higher Education Funding Council Wales (HEFCW)

Head of Research, Innovation and Engagement

Olivia Harrison

Higher Education Funding Council Wales (HEFCW)

Senior Research Manager

Ben Raynor

Research England

Associate Director of Research Funding

Alex Herbert-Guest

Research England

Associate Director of Research Funding

Anna Lang

Research England

Head of Research Assessment Policy

Duncan Shermer

Research England

Director of Research

Steven Hill (Chair)

Scottish Funding Council

Assistant Director, Research and Innovation

Morag Campbell

Scottish Funding Council

Assistant Director, Research and Innovation

Keith McDonald

Scottish Funding Council

Senior Policy/Analysis Officer

Gary Bannon